Useful Links
Search for Homes
Search MIBOR, the complete database of all properties listed in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas.
Simply enter your address here and quickly see what schools are assigned to your property.
Below are links to the largest utility companies in the Indianapolis Metro and surrounding areas.
Citizens Energy Group(Water, sewer, and gas)
Indianapolis Power and Light(Electric)
Vectren Gas(Gas and/or electric depending on county location)
Electronic Payment Service
For your convenience, we use Paylease. Submit electronic payments to us for:
Application fees
Late Fees
Also through Paylease, owners' rent payments are directly deposited into their checking accounts, thus eliminating the need to send checks or money orders. Visit the Make Payments page to access this convenient tool.
Most of our properties are equipped with owner funded Circle City Alarm systems.
The Madsen Groups pays a $50 referral to any tenant who refers another tenant who is subsequently approved for rental. Contact us to learn more.